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The Minotaur
Characteristics of this radionic graphic:
Dynamisation, Protection, Geobiology, Amplification, Spiritual Awakening, Professional
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Dynamisation, Protection, Geobiology, Amplification, Spiritual Awakening, Professional
The Minotaur radionic graphic is well designed to cleanse and protect from energetic transfers as well as to prevent energetic surges. That makes it a prime tool for overstrained therapists. This graphic has a significant impact on memory losses and nervous system alterations. The Minotaur strengthens and supports a better mental structure.
This radionic graphic dissolves subliminal programming, softens the confusion of thought, cleanses emotional burdens and supports the ability to overcome concerns. The Minotaur stands as a precious help for the growth of sturdy spiritual bases. It also enhances vitality and proved significant results on chronic diseases.
By densifying the aura, this graphic protects from daily physical and psychic assaults. Substantial geobiologic harmonizer, it regenerates private as well as professional living spaces and harmonizes telluric networks. The Minotaur is a potent unsaturable energy conveyor and presents a great stability for radionic actions.
The Minotaur can also be used to purify and harmonise crystals, minerals, jewelry and amulets. It is especially efficient to cleanse ancient heavy charges.
Advised to any person prone to stress and tensions, this radionic graphic restores serenity and inner wholeness.
Furthermore, the Minotaur develops and maintain the vibrational immunity. While protecting a therapist from energetic transfers, it also preserves from any type of relational nuisance. This graphic can be placed in an office for a continuous energetic cleansing. That way, it maintains the vitality with an important increase of the therapeutic results.
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Product's characteristics:
coated graphic cardboard 300g/m²
Format: A4
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