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In this category, you will find sacred geometry pattern, mainly radionic graphics with vitalising properties dedicated to the energetic bodies. They are designed to be especially used with Radionics, water dynamisation or other esoteric disciplines. In particular, we introduce here radionic graphics designed for cerebral vitalisation to reactivate and to stimulate the brain and the nervous system. Furthermore, we propose tools suited to all kinds of students. Finally, we present here our best graphics for cosmic and telluric reconnection as well as for chakras harmonisation.
In this category, you will find sacred geometry pattern, mainly radionic graphics which produce an outstanding work on the brain and the nervous system. All brain regions are concerned. Over time, they are regenerated and vitalised. This leads to better reflexes, response and reaction times, a better concentration and understanding processes, memory renewal as well as much more aspects linked to the brain.
In this category, you will find sacred geometry pattern, mainly radionic graphics well suited to every student. They are designed to provide a concentration dynamisation, learning abilities stimulation and a studying pleasure renewal. Especially, they favour esoteric studies. Also, cerebral fortitude is reinforced. Overstrains are thus softened, overcome and above all, rarer.
In this category, you will find sacred geometry pattern, mainly radionic graphics with outstanding properties to reactivate, harmonise and dynamise all chakras as well as the cosmic and telluric purified connexions. These are essential works for a good energetic health.
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